Les Guixeres de Vilobí

Phases included in the AgriChange project

Cardial: 5600-5000 cal BC
Epicardial: 5000-4500 cal BC
Postcardial: 4500-4000 cal BC

Type of site

Open air, tell-type settlement
Dry site


Sant Martí Sarroca (Barcelona, Spain)

Work done to date

Campaigns 2016-2018: 43 samples

Remaining work

Campaign 2019. Expected: 20 samples

Type of study

Archaeobotanical analysis


Poor in seed/fruit remains

Main significance

This is the oldest open air site in the NE of the Iberian peninsula, probably linked to the first colonizers of the region. This process and period is poorly known. It has multiple occupations.

Main difficulties

Intensive bioturbation. C14 measurements are absolutely necessary.